Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Things Happening in DC!

Hey everyone!!!

So good to hear from you all, as always! Sounds like everyone had a pretty exciting week with basketball games and snow storms and what not haha

My week was pretty exciting as well!! As I told you last week, our cute new recent convert spoke at the "Why I Believe" Fireside this past Sunday up at the Visitor's Center, it was awesome! She did such a great job! She said she was nervous, but she didn't seem like it at all when she got up there to speak! She is doing so well, and her testimony is continuing to grow!

Something really cool happened to me and Elder Krugman yesterday as well, we were just walking down the street on our way to go tract, and as we are about to cross an intersection, some random car stops next to us, rolls down their window, and asks us, "Hey, do you guys want to talk to us?" haha that probably sounds super funny to you guys, but you get used to it when you are in the city for a while. Anyways, we told them that of course we would like to talk to them and teach them, so they told us where they lived, and we walked to their apartment. Well it turns out that we spent about an hour and a half there teaching them the message of the restoration, and it went really well! They are a solid couple that are looking for a church to attend, so we invited them to come with us on Sunday, and they accepted! We will be going back over there Saturday to talk to them a little more about it. The reason that this was so cool to us is that we have been struggling lately to find people to teach, and I have never had an experience like that where someone approaches us, so we are really excited for them!

Well, this coming Wednesday is transfers, and that means that Elder Krugman will most likely be leaving because this is his 4th transfer here, so I will have a new companion next time I email you guys. Crazy how fast time goes....

Thanks for all the updates you guys! And Dad thanks for the letter!! I am glad to hear that Aunt Vee is doing well, send her my best!! Love you guys!!!

- Elder Schaap

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