Sounds like there has been a bunch of stuff going on back there! Glad to hear that Thanksgiving went well! Sorry I missed out on the pies! They sound really good!
Our Thanksgiving was pretty fun, we played soccer in the morning (our Elder's Quorum tried to organize a turkey bowl the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and we didn't think too many people would show up, so we got like 10 people to come play soccer with us), and it was really fun, after that we were running around all day to different members homes to eat their food. I think that members kind of get a kick out of watching how much the missionaries can eat haha, because we would tell them that we were already going to someone's home for dinner and they would say, "Just come over, and you can have a piece of pie or something." I can't even tell you how many pieces of pie I ate, but it was a lot. Oh, and there is a member in one of the wards that doesn't want the missionaries to go with out having left over turkey for sandwiches... So he buys each companionship a turkey, has one of the members cook it for us, and then they just give it to us. They weren't small either, probably like 18 lbs each, so we had A LOT of food. I was missing Uncle Rick's stuffing though, and I didn't have any candied yams... I bet you guys did though!
That is sweet that you got to go to the Postma's homecoming! They are the best! I bet they did a great job! And that's sweet that you met Elder Vakalahi! Tell him that he better hang out with me when I get back!
Anways, as you can imagine, this last week was a little slower as far as missionary work goes, but it was still good! We met with two sisters last night, and it was amazing! I really feel like both of them are starting to understand how the gospel applies to them, they were both asking really good questions, and it was starting to click with them.
We have also been trying to do more with our members in the ward, so we have been teaching lessons at their FHE's, last week we were with our bishop's family, and on Monday we were with our EQP and his family! And it has been going really well!
It is crazy that the Festival of Lights at the Temple is starting up again... but it should give us a lot of opportunities, pretty much everyone around here, even if they are not remotely interested in our church goes to the Festival at one point while it is running.
Well, thanks for all the updates! You guys are the best family that I could ever ask for! I love you! and hope you have a great week!
- Elder Schaap
P.S. Talk to you in less than a month!!!

Pics - Biking in the rain ha!