Pic #1 - Our Baptism (Man, I didn't realize how short she was until I saw this picture!), Bro Wilson, Elder Grant (Elder Vakalahi's last companion)
Pic #2 - Us with a great family
Pic #3 - District Picture
Pic #4 - A great man that we go and play checkers with every Tuesday
How is everyone doing! I hope really well! This past week was a really good one for us, our cute lady that we've been teaching was baptized!!!! And she will be confirmed during sacrament meeting this Sunday, in CEBUANO! By one of our members that served his mission in the Phillipines. It should be pretty sweet! Sunday was a pretty sweet day, after the baptism, we went with he and another investigator up to the Visitor's Center for the "Why I Believe" Fireside, which was really good, and they both liked it a lot! He is doing really well, he came to church again this last Sunday, and as far as I know he is planning on it this Sunday as well! We are going to start teaching him the lessons hopefully starting right after church, he likes what he has experienced so far!
I think I forgot to mention last week that this week was transfers... yes Elder Vakalahi did get transfered... he went to the DC 3rd ward! So he will be serving with the Postma's!! My new companion though is Elder Kennedy, we actually came out at the same time and were in the MTC together so it should be pretty fun!
Glad to hear that things are going well back home! Crazy how soon D&B are getting married!! Weird that I am going to get a wedding invitation soon! Yikes!
Love you guys, and hope you have an amazing week!
- Elder Schaap