Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Baptism and Transfer Day!

Pic #1 - Our Baptism (Man, I didn't realize how short she was until I saw this picture!), Bro Wilson, Elder Grant (Elder Vakalahi's last companion)

Pic #2 - Us with a great family

Pic #3 - District Picture

Pic #4 - A great man that we go and play checkers with every Tuesday


How is everyone doing! I hope really well! This past week was a really good one for us, our cute lady that we've been teaching was baptized!!!! And she will be confirmed during sacrament meeting this Sunday, in CEBUANO! By one of our members that served his mission in the Phillipines. It should be pretty sweet! Sunday was a pretty sweet day, after the baptism, we went with he and another investigator up to the Visitor's Center for the "Why I Believe" Fireside, which was really good, and they both liked it a lot! He is doing really well, he came to church again this last Sunday, and as far as I know he is planning on it this Sunday as well! We are going to start teaching him the lessons hopefully starting right after church, he likes what he has experienced so far!

I think I forgot to mention last week that this week was transfers... yes Elder Vakalahi did get transfered... he went to the DC 3rd ward! So he will be serving with the Postma's!! My new companion though is Elder Kennedy, we actually came out at the same time and were in the MTC together so it should be pretty fun!

Glad to hear that things are going well back home! Crazy how soon D&B are getting married!! Weird that I am going to get a wedding invitation soon! Yikes!

Love you guys, and hope you have an amazing week!

- Elder Schaap

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hello Family!!!

So I forgot to tell you that P-day is on Tuesday this week because of the baseball game.... my bad! But things are going good here, the young lady we're teaching is still scheduled to be baptized this Sunday! So that will be really exciting!! We are doing all that we can to get her prepared for that day, we still have a little bit to do, but she will be ready!

As for our other investigators, the family we're teaching, we actually haven't been able to come in contact with them for about a week and a half now... we don't really know why, but we keep talking to members of their family, and they seem interested, so we will see what comes out of that! We had a really cool lesson this Sunday with another young man, and also a new guy that we just started teaching. He is a friend of a member in our ward, and has actually been at church the past two Sundays, but we hadn't had an oppurtuninty to teach him until this past Sunday, he is very cool and likes what he has seen of the church so far! He also wants to go to the "Why I Believe" Fireside this coming Sunday too!

Well, that is about all I have for you this week,I Love you guys!! And Sorry again for not reminding you about P-Day switching!! LOVE YOU!

- Elder Schaap

Note from Marcie: The whole mission gets to go to a Nationals MLB game, but it appears that the Nationals game was cancelled for "threat of rain" today, so they'll get to go on a different day.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Just Spreading the Good News

It was awesome to talk to you guys on Sunday!!! So good to hear all of your voices! You guys definitely still have the same sense of humor too haha. Well unfortunately I have to be a little shorter this week, I don't have much time, but I pretty much gave you the whole update on the phone. We were able to go and meet with our cute young lady that we've been teaching again on Monday, and it went really well, we pushed her baptismal date to the 21st just because we didn't feel like she would be ready by this Saturday, but she will be by next Saturday!! She is doing good, and she now has a copy of the Book of Mormon in Cebuano, so she is reading that and liking it! We also have a new investigator, he is actually the step-son of one of our other investigators, I told you guys that he doesn't always hold his appointments, and when he isn't there, the step-son usually has been, so we decided to ask him if he would be interested in learning more about the gospel. So that was really cool, and we are meeting with him again later this week!

Well, that's about all I got for ya this week! Love you tons! and talk to ya next week!!

- Elder Schaap

Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

We had a wonderful phone call with Robbie yesterday! It was SO good to hear his voice. Things are going so well for him in his new area, and his companion, Elder Vakalahi, is just terrific. They have quite a few investigators that they are working with, and the members are taking such good care of the missionaries out there! Thanks to all you wonderful members in the Bowie area for feeding those hungry Elders! What a fun Mother's Day!!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hello Family!!!

How is everyone doing?? Things are going really well for us here! We had a really cool experience this last week, we got to work in a booth at the Crofton Craft Fair, it was fun, and pretty much all we did was just go around and help people set up and take down their canopy tents, and we were in our shirts and ties so I think it really helped people see that we are just here to help, and we got to use some sweet leaf blowers to help clean up before hand haha

As far as our investigators go, the young lady we've been teaching is doing really good, she is still planning on being baptized on May 14th!!! We just have to make sure that she is ready by then, so Elder Vakalahi and I will be meeting with her pretty frequently. The couple we've been teaching are doing good, they don't have a scheduled baptismal date as of right now, but we are planning on giving them a new one sometime this week! And we also have another investigator who he is really cool and we had a good visit with him this last week as well, so hopefully he will be coming to church this Sunday, and then we will set a baptismal date for him! And our Recent Convert from Florida is still doing well, so that is good news!!

Other than that, Elder Vakalahi and I went fishing today haha we got some good pictures! And I wish I could send you guys videos, but there is a really funny video too. As for Mother's Day calls, we are actually going to be calling sometime in the evening, around 5 or 6 your time 7 or 8 here, looking forward to that!!!

That's about it for this week!! Talk to you guys Sunday!!!

- Elder Schaap

Pics 1 & 2 - From fishing today!
Pics 3 & 4 - Cleaning up for the Craft Fair