Alright -- I am just kidding, it wasn't that intense, but that would have been sweet! Got you though didn't I? It was pretty crazy though! The power did actually go out, and there was some crazy wind, but the craziest thing about it was the lightning! There were flashes of lightning probably every 2 or 3 seconds for about a half our or so, it was pretty insane! I took a video, I will show it to you when I get back! But no, we were only out of power for about 18 hours, we were very lucky! On Sunday night, some other elders who were out of power came and spent the night with us because it was too hot! I don't ever remember losing power in the Summer before! It is pretty miserable!
So, power was out in the church building as well! I thought that I wasn't going to have church on my last fast and testimony meeting of my mission! But we ended up holding sacrament meeting in the institute building, which was interesting because it was so small even for our ward of about 50 people! That is where our ward used to meet like 5 years ago! So it was fun.
We were able to teach an investigator we've been working with again after church, we taught him about the Plan of Salvation, and he told us that he wants to be baptized! Unfortunately it is going to be like 2 weeks after I am home, so I won't get to see it... but I am really excited for him!
And then we started to teach a new person who is from Cameroon, and she was actually found by other missionaries, but they found out that she is of age to go to the Singles ward, so they passed her to us! Elder Gumbi is able to relate really well to all of the people that we are teaching from Africa, it is really cool!
More good news, we got a text back from our investigator that we haven't heard from for like 3 weeks! And we are meeting with him on Thursday, so hopefully we will be able to figure out what was going on! Things are going really well for us right now, hopefully they will continue to do so! So that is about all of the updates that I have as far as investigators go.
As for tomorrow, one of the members of our ward knew that I was going home soon, and so he said since P-day was on the 4th of July, he doesn't have work, so he offered to drive us anywhere we wanted to go! So we are going to go to Florida! haha just kidding again, but we are going to go to Great Falls National Park, on the Potomac River, which I have heard is really cool! So be expecting some pictures from that!
Anyways, Have a great week! Jealous that you went boating! Weird that I will only be sending one more email home from here.... Love you!
- Elder Schaap
Pics 1 & 2 - Got the Birthday Party Box!
Pic 3 - Some of the aftermath of the storm!

P.S. from Marcie:
We received an email from the mission home on Monday to let us know how things were going afer the big storms in the East. Here's a link to the message - everyone is ok:
Update after the storms
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